
To Book TXT: +61 476 050 730

Age: 35
Height: 165cm
Dress: 8 or small
Hair: Blonde
Bust: Full 10DD bust
Eyes: Ocean blue
Weight: 54kg
Body Type: Athletic
Nationality: Italian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Language: English, Italian and Spanish
Category: Sensual Escort and Hot Masseuse for Men, Women, and Couples
Location: Sydney CBD

Sophisticated, sensual and open minded, Anita offers extreme pleasures, her playful nature and wild instinct is a perfect combination for you to experience the new world for you two. She’s got great charm and charisma, which makes a beautiful companion and always ready to go just a little bit further to make your day. Her long blonde hair, her sensual curves, and her bewitching look will leave you speechless, not to talk about kissable perky lips.

To Book TXT: 0476 050 730

Example: "Hi Anita, this is George, I'd love to make a booking with you for (length of stay ex: 60 mins) today at (xxx time)."

Book your B2B session with Anita

Text your name, desired time & length of the visit

TXT: +61 476 050 730

We will respond within minutes of your text.