To Book TXT: +61 476 050 730

Age: 32
Height: 167cm
Dress: M
Hair: Black
Bust: Busty D
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 58kg
Body Type: Curvilinear
Nationality: Portuguese
Sexuality: Bisexual
Language: English, Portuguese and Spanish
Category: Sensual and Hot Escort for Men, Women, and Couples
Location: Sydney CBD

Estela is a new addition of European beauties, her eyes, hair and soft touches will drive you wild. Not until you start feeling her legs, hands and lips all over You, and then You will think of only one thing! She is fit, well spoken, highly educated and well travelled model with experience in all exotic erotism. Come and meet Estela today and have the erotic experience you couldn't find elsewhere.

To Book TXT: 0476 050 730

Example: "Hi Estela, this is Todd, I'd like to make a booking of 60min today at 11am. Thank You!"

Book your B2B session with Estela

Text your name, desired time & length of the visit

TXT: +61 476 050 730

We will respond within minutes of your text.